On site setup checklist
Checklist for checking the health of a system you have just deployed.
Last updated
Checklist for checking the health of a system you have just deployed.
Last updated
Live View - Can you see all the cameras you expect and checked their field of view?
Recording - Check each camera individually.
Schedules - Have you set your schedule on a team level and applied them to relevant systems.
Remember to to apply to schedule to each of systems on your site. Schedules are done on a per system basis.
General System Settings
Battery readings - can you read the battery levels
Is the mains power connected?
Do you have solar panels or an EFOY fuel cell, can you read them and are they working correctly? Is your battery charging?
Can you see the router details?
Camera masking - AI will be carried out on the whole image unless the area is masked out. The masked area will be ignored.
Audio talkdown - Is it enabled and tested?
Alarm config and Active Threat Deterrent
Alarm levels - are you happy with the alarm levels and checked what triggers each alarm.
Power Disconnected Alarm - This will trigger an error state so disable if it is a solar / battery powered system
Strobes during talkdown
ARC / Central Station - Check that your central station settings are inputted and that alarms can be sent / received.
Notifications - Do you have a support mailbox to send health alerts too, make sure they are added to the team as a user and that notifications for the systems are enabled.
Walk test - Arm the system(s) and walk test the site. Make sure alarms are coming through to the central station/ARC. Disconnect the power, to devices and check alerts are received.